Sunday, August 2, 2009

Two Very Unrealted Thoughts

(1) I am not a sports fan ... I very rarely enjoy watching sports. I like sporting events, but mostly because it is time spent with friends. But I am a fan of sports fans ... I love watching people watch sports! I love that they get super intense, super angry, super happy ... I think it is fascinating. I was at the Orioles game today, and there was a Red Sox fan sitting in front of me. He was decked out in well-worn gear, with a parade of children all dressed in Sox jerseys. He sat there with his iphone, searching stats and marking in his personal score book, exuding an intensity that blessed my heart. I love watching people do the things that bring them the most joy ... even when its at a baseball game!

(2) I read this article called "Betting on Vegas" by MC Taylor for my ethics class this past semester. The article meant very little to me when I read it, largely becuase I didn't understand what he was trying to say. As I understand it, he was using Vegas as the example of where our entire culture is headed ... in Vegas, one gets an experience that mimics real life ... meaning you chase the sign of a reality instead the reality itself. Does that make sense? It didn't really make much sense to me until the last couple weeks. During my last week in Philly, Elizabeth took us all out to coffee and talked with us about what it looks like to be the bride of Christ. It was absolutely wonderful (thats a whole other story ...)! At one point she was telling us that marriage is a picture of what it looks like for us to relate to the divine -- it is a wonderful example, and incredibly sanctifying. But why would I fervently seek the image of a reality instead of the reality itself? In other words, I have been offered a perfectly loving marriage relationship with Christ, and my marriage to my husband will just be a reflection of it. It makes me feel so foolish to recognize that I have been seeking a reflection of a love that is being offered straight to me by Christ. And today I was dwelling on other ways that this way of thinking has been problematic for me ... instead of seeking love, sometimes I merely seek its expression. Silliness. Thank you Lord for using a convoluted, scholarly article to shed light on the ways you desire to teach me. I want to seek the real thing first ... and if a finite image will help me love the Lord more fully, than I hope for that someday.

1 comment:

Humilis Vernula said...

You're a very good writer, intellectual and extremely refreshing to read. Not hot on Marc Driscoll eh? I will be calling you hopefully tomorrow about those questions, if you have the time.