Friday, August 14, 2009

Week #1 in Georgia!

So, turns out I live in Georgia now :)

This has been quite the week for me! I got here last Thursday, and Claire (my adoptive mom of sorts) came to pick me up. I was so nervous on my way here that I couldn't even eat much on Thursday ... which is quite out of character for me! The idea of moving in with people I had never met was incredibly overwhelming, but it has been wonderful so far! Claire and Robert have gone out of their way to make me feel at home ... I have been brought to tears more than once when I dwell on their willingness to share their home and their things with me!
So I moved all my stuff in, and spent my first couple of days here getting settled in my room and learning my way around a little bit. I got to go spend a couple of hours at the church on Saturday praying over my upcoming ministry, and it was a powerful time for me to spend with the Lord.
Sunday morning I was driving to church, and I got stuck in traffic. I thought to myself, "Why on earth would there be traffic on a Sunday morning?" Well, it was 12Stone traffic! From what I hear, there are over 8,000 people involved in 12stone ... that is crazy! It was actually kind of a rough morning for me ... watching the worship leaders stand up their with their designer jeans and fancy lights made me ache to be back at Church Under the Bridge. I went to Panera and then the mecca of shopping ... the mall of georgia. I pretty much lived the suburban dream. It was fun, but also kind of scared me ... how quick I am to forget the things that I am passionate about!
But, the Lord is awesome (as usual) and quickly reminded me of the wonderful ways that he is moving in and through 12Stone. I started my internship Monday morning, and I had a great day! I got to catch up with some pastors that I had met in Philly, and I also met about a billion new people. Everyone was so welcoming and I could see their commitments to the Lord and to ministry. I hit the ground running, because this Wednesday was Pointpalooza (a huge back-to-school, bring-your-friends carnival kind of thing). So spent some quality time helping to get things ready, call students, etc. I also went and got my GA drivers liscense and spent a lot of time filling out/turning in job applications.
Pointpalooza was really fun ... I got to catch up with some of the adult leaders I had met in Philly, which was awesome! There were so many students there ... it was crazy! I am really excited about my ministry here ... God is doing some powerful things in the lives of these students, and I am so honored that I get to be a part of that!
Some other fun parts of my week:
- hanging out with the girls I live with! Emma, Emily and Melanie are all wonderful girls! They are each so different, and I am eager to get to know them and walk alongside them in the coming years!
- going to Waters Edge, the college/young adult ministry at 12stone. Miles (the college pastor and also my internship director) spoke a powerful word and then did open baptisms ... it was so beautiful! No one could contain their joy as we watched so many people take giant leaps of faith. Loved it!
- hanging out with Sammi. enough said :)
- getting coffee with Cami, one of the other interns. God used her to speak into a lot of my frustrations and fears ... she was wonderful.
- being constantly humbled. I am very very quickly realizing that I am not as big of a deal as I think I am, that I don't know everything, and that I have sooooo much to learn!
- so many other things!

Keep me in your prayers ... I want to find just the right part-time job, and I want the Lord to close all doors except the right one! And I am looking to find some friends ... I could use His help on that too :)

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