Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So I realized this week that I really love to eavesdrop. It's a guilty pleasure. I just think it is so interesting to hear what other people have to say: sometimes I learn new stuff, sometimes I am entertained, sometimes I feel better about myself and other times I am incredibly humbled. 
Some recent examples:
- I was walking across campus today and I passed these three guys that were talking excitedly about something (I never gathered what it was they were talking about...). When I say excitedly, I mean it. They were doing that thing where you are saying words, but the words are simultaneously laughs. And they were loud. And the fact that they were so excited made me smile and laugh out loud. It was fun.
- When I was trying to study at common grounds with Kimberly yesterday, we both ended up just listening to a couple of girls on a rush date for a sorority (I won't name it here...). It was ridiculous ... I know that I have my dumb-girl moments, but this was every stereotype of sorority girls wrapped up in one conversation. One of the girls used the word "like" nine times in one sentence. My favorite part was when they started talking about politics ... it was clear that they wanted to make sure that their daddies have secure bank accounts so they can accumulate more true religion jeans. It was awesome.
- I caught the jist of a conversation that occurred in the isle of HEB -- and it was in Spanish. Love that. Eavesdropping is a good way to keep up on your foreign language skills.

This love for eavesdropping is probably a result of my hatred for being left out of the loop -- anyone who knows me is more than aware that I loathe being left out on something. So I eavesdrop. And the result of this guilty pleasure only adds to my lack of productivity and focus while studying. Oh well.

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