Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So Far

I have been married for 1 whole month as of yesterday! It feels like a lot longer than that (probably due to the craziness that is my life), but not in a bad way. Our love is comfortable, and it just feels like the comfort that comes with time. Josh and I had a mini-celebration last night that included lipstick & heels, dinner at the Geisha House in Atlantic station, fudge & a giant caramel apple, some store browsing and an in-bed showing of our wedding video. Turns out our little ring-bearer, Cal, was the best part of our wedding. He was just runnin' around in his own little world, eating sand and hanging out while we were getting married. Other revelations that came from watching our wedding video:
1. My mom dances by running in place. Awesome.
2. We picked the most ridiculous song we could think of for our first dance, and I am not sure anybody caught on.
3. My bridesmaids were beautiful and incredibly attentive during the ceremony, while Josh's groomsmen were antsy and distracted. Women, 1. Men, 0.
4. I like the way my left side looks better than my right side. Don't judge.
5. My sister is really pretty, and my dad is "smooth" (according to Josh).
6. Joel's dancing is the best.thing.ever.
7. The day really was as perfect as I remember!
Yesterday at lunch, my sweet friend Lauren asked what the biggest adjustments have been. I told her that waking up to Josh hocking loogies (spelled according to urban dictionary) in the shower has been quite the adjustment, but that's about as bad as it gets. My serious answer to her question was adjusting to being totally honest and forthcoming ... not that we kept secrets before, but trying to make my thought-life an open book has been quite the challenge. But it is a joy to be known more fully, and to love him more deeply than I ever thought possible.
Here are some little insights into our oh-so-fresh marriage:
- we have developed this habit of getting back in bed for a morning snuggle after we have already gotten ready ... love it!
- because Josh just lives his life with intensity, we now approach grocery shopping with a divide-conquer mentality, racing to leave the store as fast as possible. This is quite the adjustment for me, who loves to mosey through the aisles.
- when I read at night, Josh makes me tell him what is happening in the book and then he falls asleep (PS for Josh -- Robert isn't dead!)
- every night, we take a few minutes to communicate WHY we love each other. For example, one night Josh told me he loves me because I leave a half-empty coffee cup in the same place every day. I never thought anyone would appreciate this behavior ... Josh is the best.
- I have started reading this blog called Today's Letters (thanks Kim!), and I was so excited to find out that they share in one of our traditions (click HERE to read about it). Some sweet little old lady gave us a glass biscuit (biscuit used in the old-school sense meaning cookie) jar for a wedding present, and little does she know what we are using it for.
In short, being married is the jam. It miraculous, really. Can't wait for the days, months and years to come!

In other news, I have come across the word egregious twice already this morning. I think that is a divine nudge to learn the definition. Here you go:
1.extraordinary in some bad way; glaring; flagrant: an egregious mistake; an egregious liar.
2.Archaic . distinguished or eminent.


Anonymous said...

Hey Emily, Josh's friend Kim from Indiana. I loved reading your post - Dave and I feel the same way about marriage after 2 years - that's it's so simple, so sweet, such a miracle, and such a gift. I hope you keep posting - I love your writing!

Molly said...

what song did you dance to?

also, i LOVE today's letters. you should move back to texas and we can be friends with the loerkes.

Abigail said...

LOVED reading this. I'm so happy for you both!

ChristyDelaine said...

you are delightful. and did you see me post egregious on fbook? b/c if not--that's a third sighting.

Emily Hinkle said...

yes i did, Christy. my news feed was the first place i saw it.

and molly, we danced to "Love is all around." and i would love to be friends with the loerkes ... but more with the leverenzs.

Anonymous said...

HAHA just saw my shout out in this post. That was GREAT conversation about his interesting habits, as well as ones he shares with Justin :) love you and your blog!