Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Too Long

So Josh and I are sharing a car these days, which means I arrived at work this morning exactly 2 hours before I wanted to be here. I have plenty of meaningful things that I could do, but I have been putzing around on the internet as a metaphorical middle-finger aimed at my undesired early arrival. In all all my world-wide-web wanderings this morning, I ended up reading some random blog posts.
Somehow, it had never occurred to me that blogging is a strange concept. I mean, I read the blogs of two people I have never met in my entire life, and I know intimate details of their goings-on. Weird.
And yet somehow that revelation left me wanting to blog. So here I am.
As I gallivanted through my blog page, I realized that I have been epically terrible about posting. Especially since these past few months have been some of the most important of my life! I wedded my forever man on October 16th, an event which precipitated some of my greatest joys and frustrations. Sorry, my blog-reading-friends, that I kept you in the dark during those days.
During that time, I kept wishing that the wedding was over -- and, trust me, I am glad that my mind is no longer plagued with crafty to-do lists. But regular life has not been the utopia I imagined.
This has nothing to do with Josh, however -- being married to him is the best thing ever! Every time we have to part, it hurts a little bit. I love being one with him.
But most other things about my life are less elating.
But God, as usual, is using his tricksy little schemes to teach me things. Don't worry -- more blogging will come.
But I just wanted to let you know that I am alive, and that my blog has a new address!

1 comment:

ChristyDelaine said...

glad to read your blogs! it's the only way I keep up!