Monday, July 7, 2008

Some Prayer Requests

I think the highlight of my summer may have happened this last week when I was in Butler... I was chillin' at VBS with this tiny little girl named Natalie when I started talking with her aunt, Christie. Turns out Christie, who is 28, is really cool, and we spent a few hours chatting during VBS each day last week. She has shown more sacrificial love than anyone I have ever known, and she was one of the most fascinating people I have ever talked with, because she has had so many varied experiences. To make a long story short, she decided that to abandon the native American religion of her mother and turn to Jesus as her savior! HALLELUJAH! I was so privileged to watch the Lord reap the harvest of his ministry in her life! I got to buy her a Bible and pray with her, and it was ridiculously awesome!
So prayer request #1: Pray that Christie experiences relationship with Christ in really sweet ways, and that she turns from the ways of this world. She has a powerful spirit, and so I am really excited to see how God uses her!
Prayer request #2: Me and one of the other summer staff girls are co-leading a trip this week, and it is turning out to be pretty overwhelming. We just need a double-portion of Jesus!
Prayer request #3: I am leaving on Wednesday for New Orleans, and I am so exhausted right now heading into that trip. I want to be useful for the Lord, so pray that he gives me both the desire and the energy to do his will there. He is developing perseverance in me, and I just need his hand in mine as he works that out in my life.
I am absolutely loving all the ways that God is revealing himself to me: through different places, people, things, books, etc. Thanks so much for your prayers, because I know the Lord is pouring his favor on me in response to your supplications!

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