Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So I am going to confess that I am a big dork. Yesterday during my Christian Ethics class we had to fill out those teacher/course evaluation forms and I kept thinking about much I loved the class and how sad I am that it is over. Like I said....dork. I am pretty positive that it is my favorite class that I have taken at Baylor, because every single day I would leave after our 50 minutes of voting and discussion with so much to mull over and think about. The biggest theme we addressed was the Christian relationship to culture, and my professor did such a good job of making us look at the world differently than we ever had before (he is an all-star at playing devil's advocate). For those of you who talk to me on any kind of regular basis, you know that I am constantly thinking of new things I could do with the rest of my life. As of yesterday, I added getting a PhD in Ethics to that list.

Speaking of my ethics class, I am going to put this out there on the Internet so that everyone knows and everyone can hold me accountable. We watched a movie about women working in Tijuana, Mexico who assemble electronics for big corporations that have factories there. I couldn't walk away from the movie and continue to live my consumerist lifestyle in the same way. So I have decided to buy only clothing made by companies who provide their employees with safe working conditions, benefits, and a living wage (or from thrift stores). I am committing to do this for a year, but the more I research, the more I think that this will be a long term conviction. There are too many people being taken advantage of so that I can have cheap clothes...human exploitation is not worth the dollars saved. This won't include formal wear (I don't even know where you would find that), underwear, or outerwear -- but everything else I am committing to "boycott." I am quickly realizing that this is going to be harder than I first imagined (turns out most of the stores I love utilize sweatshops), but turns out sacrifice is something Jesus calls us to do. So hold me accountable.

1 comment:

Brian said...

What's a living wage?