Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Sometimes the most disciplined thing you can do is go back to bed" -- Emily Cash

Yep, that's right. I quoted myself.
That is what I said, in my mind, as I got back into bed for the 2nd time this morning. I didn't go to either of my jobs today, and it has been far too long.
The past two nights have included retail dreams, and last night I was up at 3 am making lists of things I needed to do today. Clearly, this sista needed a day off.

And I decided to flip-off my to-do list. I woke up late, needlessly internet window-shopped, read some blogs, and then decided to eat some breakfast.
Josh will probably tense up just hearing that I took my toast to bed with me (crumbs = death), where I finally started reading "Notes From a Small Island," by Bill Bryson. Too long has that book sat untouched, and it was fun to revel in the charms of Britian (tea, rain, cranky old ladies, big knit sweaters, etc). Josh and I have toyed with the idea of living abroad someday, and both of us can picture a life in England -- all the more reason I enjoyed my vicarious romp through England this morning.

I went for a run, got a haircut and went to the chiropractor.
Thank you Jesus for some time to breathe!

And off to my bed for naptime...

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