I love my life ... a lot. Not to say that it is easy by any means, but it is so good. I am loving my job at 12Stone, even when it involves phone calls and copies. Anson is so wonderful about affirming my dreams and allowing me to take so much ownership of the things that I am doing. It's almost a little bit scary, because he seems to think I am capable of things that I only hope that I can pull off. I am surrounded by a staff that has been so welcoming, and my learning curve is EXTREMELY steep. I am soaking up so much wisdom from everyone I am around ... including the other interns. It is awesome.
I got to see my family this weekend, and it was a reminder of all the ways that God has blessed me with a phenomenal support system. I have so many people who love, support and pray for me ... even if they are far away, I am so blessed by their influence in my life. And He continues to bring people into my life as 'family' ... the Reitsemas, the Varasos, the Dorrells, the Colloms and now the Armitages. I love it. I am a first-hand witness to the beauty of the church ... I am part of an intricate and extensive body that serves Christ in ways that never cease to amaze me.
And I am loved by the God of the universe. How can I not exude joy when I know that I am pursued by the very God who created me? I see my sin, and I see His love -- it doesn't make any sense, but my stains and my stink don't even begin to deter my Beloved. This morning on the way to work I heard one of my favorite songs, 'For My Love.' Bethany Dillon is singing presumably to the man she will marry, but it was about the Lord for me this morning. I am engaged in a dreamlike love that I will never have to wake from. That is sweet.
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