Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Back in Philly!

I can't even believe that I have been back in Philly for a week now.... I have just stepped right back into the rhythm of life here, and it feels like I never left. I arrived for training on Weds last week, and I spent the first couple of days getting to know my fellow summer staff and getting reacquainted with the city. On Friday, we went on a scavenger hunt that lasted 6 was a great time of team-building, running around and introducing the new girls to the area and to the ministries. I freakin' love the other summer staff ... I can't wait to spend a summer getting to know them, and being part of our little "family." Our first team arrived from Boston on Saturday morning, and we were thrown right into our first project. They have been a really awesome team to work with, and we have gotten to do some neat ministry in south Philly. On Sunday morning, we went to "Nations Worship Center," an Indonesian church pastored by a really neat guy named Benny. I don't think I stopped smiling once during worship -- God has blessed us so richly through working with that church! We also got a chance to visit Rock Ministries (a boxing ministry on Kensington Ave) yesterday, and everyone in my prayer group was ecstatic about the sweet ministry that they are doing! Pretty much I just love Philly a lot, and I am soaking in every minute here! I probably won't be bloggin too often (not that I do anyway...), because internet sessions are few and far between. But you can check out trip updates at (just click on all the Philly trips for the summer) and that will give you an idea of how the participants are experiencing God. Please pray for our ministry ... we are pushing back the boundaries of darkness here by bringing light, and the enemy is going to put up a fight. Good thing we serve a victorious God! Bam!

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